TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE www.citroen-advisor.dk.



By connecting, accessing and/or using the Site you are confirming that you fully and unconditionally accept these Terms of Use and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you must not use the Site..

The purpose of the Site is to collect and publish customer Reviews and any Dealership responses. By submitting a Review, you agree to Citroën Danmark publishing, or not, such Review, according to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use. Access to and use of the Site is subject to these Terms of Use in addition to all applicable laws and regulations. Access to the Site is free (outside of the normal cost of your internet connection).


The terms listed below have the following meanings:

"Review": Opinion of a retail consumer customer on: the quality of service of the respective Dealership when purchasing a Vehicle or for workshop services; or the Vehicle.

“Terms of Use": These terms and conditions of use of the Site.

“Customer experience”: Purchase of a Vehicle or of a workshop service in a Dealership.

“Moderator”: Citroën Danmark is responsible for the moderation of Reviews and Ratings.

“Rating": Assessing the quality of the Customer Experience when purchasing a new vehicle or a visit to the service workshop. These Ratings are assigned by the author of a Review.

“Dealership": A Citroën dealership participating in the Citroën Danmark programme to collect and publish Reviews on the Site.

“Site”: The website is accessible at the address www.citroen-advisor.dk.

“User”: A physical person accessing the Site to provide or submit a Review.

“Vehicle”: New Citroën vehicle connected to a customer Experience.


The Site is provided by Citroën Danmark (K.W. Bruun Import A/S).
K.W. Bruun Import A/S
CVR: 63557218
Hovedvejen 1
2600 Glostrup
Telefon: +45 43 45 16 22
E-mail contact address: webmaster@citroen.dk

Site host:
PSA – Peugeot – Citroën
Achères Technical Center
Rond Point Jenatzy
78 300 Poissy


3.1 Spontaneous Reviews

a) Citroën Advisor Service :

You may visit the Site directly our website address: www.citroen-advisor.dk or via a Dealership website: www.citroenforhandler.dk. On the Site, you may submit a Review and/or read the Reviews left by other Users, about the Dealership and the quality of their Customer Experience.

a) Citroën Advisor Product :

You may visit the Site directly our website address: www.citroen-advisor.dk and all associated mobile applications. On the Site, you may submit a Review and/or read the Reviews left by other Users, about the vehicle and the quality of their Customer Experience.

To submit a Review, you must complete the following steps:

    - Step 1 : you must allocate a Rating to the Dealership or to the Vehicle by hovering over the stars shown, then clicking to confirm the Rating. The stars have the following meaning:

  • 1 star : Very poor
  • 2 stars : Poor
  • 3 stars : Medium
  • 4 stars : Good
  • 5 stars : Very good
  • You must then submit your feedback comment and click "View" to go to the next step.

- Step 2: You then view the Rating given and check the comments you have made, making any necessary alterations and then clicking on "Confirm ".

- Step 3 : You must fill in the following mandatory fields:

  • First name (please note that your first name will be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Surname(please note that only the initial of your surname will be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Email Address (this will not be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Brand/Model/Vehicle body type (this will be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Registration number of the vehicle (this will not be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Date of Customer Experience (this may be displayed on the Site with the Review)
  • Postcode (this will be requested only in the case of a Review concerning the quality of a workshop service, but it will not be displayed on the Site with the Review)

To validate your Review, you must accept these Terms of Use and click "Validate ". You will then receive an email sent by Citroën Danmark to validate the e-mail address provided. This email contains a link that you must click to confirm your email address. Once the email is validated, the Review is sent to the Moderator for moderation according to the principles set out in Article 4 below. You will be notified by email of the publication, or not, of your Review.

3.2 Requested Reviews

You may be requested by Citroën Danmark to submit a Review. An email may be sent to you within 30 days of the date of your Customer Experience, inviting you to submit a Review about the quality of service of the Dealership on that occasion or on the Vehicle.. This email contains a link to the Site, valid for 30 days from the date of your Customer Experience. To submit a Review, you must then follow Steps 1 and 2 described in Article 3.1 above and accept these Terms of Use.

As mentioned above, only 1 Opinion per Customer experience can be published, unless you decide to submit a 2nd Opinion in accordance with the provisions of the section below.

Citroën Danmark may contact you again to ask if you would like to submit a 2nd Opinion. In this case, you will have the choice between 2 options:

  • Submit a second Review with the associated Rating, which will be published under the first Review.
  • Submit a second Review, accompanied by the associated Rating, that replaces the first Review (Rating and comment).

3.3 Statement by Users

By filing a Review online, you confirm that:

  • You agree to be contacted by Citroën Danmark and/or the Moderator for identification and clarification if necessary, and the Dealership in order to resolve any dissatisfaction, if required.
  • There is no conflict of interest, that is to say, you have no interest in or connection with the Dealership or with Citroën Danmark (for the avoidance of doubt, employees of any Dealership, Citroën Danmark and PSA Peugeot Citroën shall be excluded from filing Reviews).
  • You have personally experienced the Customer Experience.

3.4 Data retained by Citroën Danmark

To confirm the authenticity of Customer Experiences and your identity, Citroën Danmark, records the IP address, email address, name, phone number, postal code, the model and registration of the vehicle, the date of the Customer Experience and the filing of the Review (which shall be retained no longer than authorised legislation). This data is encrypted in a database of Citroën Danmark.


4.1 Moderation

Reviews and Dealership responses are subject to human moderation prior to publication on the Site. The Moderator considers the content of Reviews and Dealership responses responses in order to decide to publish or reject the Reviews. In this respect, the Moderator can access your identity to be able, if necessary, to get in touch with you as part of the verification review. The time allowed for Moderation is the same for all Reviews, whether positive or negative. This delay is intended to ensure that the Review and the Dealership responses are in accordance with English law and these Terms of Use. In case of non-compliance, Reviews and Dealership responses will not be published.
The Moderator may reject reviews and Dealership responses if:

  • They are contrary to any applicable laws or if they contain inappropriate comment; i.e. if they are abusive, slanderous, libellous, defamatory, threatening, indecent or obscene or infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties (and/or other brands cited), or the privacy of individuals (for example, naming of third parties without their express consent, comments on physical appearance or personality, or otherwise) or contravene any person's legal rights (such as, by way of example only, a duty of confidence);
  • They contain confidential information (including, but not limited to, names, phone numbers, addresses, emails, registration, customer number, or bank details), mention websites, or contain hyperlinks or urls
  • They concern something other than the service experienced at the dealership (for example, the Review stated concerns the product or technical specifications, documentation, warranty policy)
  • They are incomprehensible (i.e. a sequence of words with no meaning, poorly written content to the point of being unintelligible, or written in a language other than English);
  • They contain values (i.e. amounts or percentages) concerning the dealership or Citroën Danmark’s commercial policy (including but not limited to, price, renewal rates, invoice and/or discounts);
  • They include a call to action or contain remarks that may result in civil or criminal liability for the dealership or Citroën Danmark;
  • They contain a comment inconsistent with the rating or incompatible with the service (for example, comments regarding the purchase of a new vehicle when the visit was to the service department and vice versa);
  • They mention a dealership other than the one which sold the new car or who carried out the service operation (i.e. comparison between dealerships is not permitted);
  • They contain concrete evidence of conflict of interest (for example, are written by employees of the dealership, Citroën Danmark or PSA Peugeot Citroën);
  • They have been made by company representatives (i.e. only reviews made by individuals are allowed)
  • They relate to a user who has provided incorrect personal information or has not personally experienced the customer experience.
  • They are duplicates: same author and same customer experience.

4.2 Rejection of Review

If rejected for any of the above reasons, you or the Dealership will be notified by email, as applicable. Where appropriate, you and/or the Dealership will have the opportunity to file a new Review or new reply within 30 calendar days from the date of the Customer Experience.

4.3 Indemnity

The views expressed by Users on the Site do not represent Citroën Danmark views or values. You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any information within your Review and that you indemnify us for any breach of this Article 4. This means that you will be responsible for any loss or damage Citroën Danmark suffer as a result of anything you upload or post to our Site that does not comply with these terms. Citroën Danmark reserves the right to remove material from the Site that infringes these rules. Citroën Danmark has the right to disclose your identity and other relevant information to law enforcement authorities as Citroën Danmark considers necessary. Citroën Danmark also has the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any content posted or uploaded to our website by you constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights or of their right to privacy. Your right to use this Site will cease immediately if you breach any of the provisions of this Article. Any content you post or upload to the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary and Citroën Danmark has the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such content for any purpose.


5.1 – Presentation of reviews

Reviews received, moderated and complying with these Terms of Use, will be posted on the Dealership website for a period of up to year from the date of publication.

Reviews will be posted on the Site, by default from newest to oldest, within a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date of submitting the Review. The submission date of the Review, the date of the Customer experience, the first name and surname initial of the author of the Review, the Vehicle model and the Rating given to the Dealership or the Vehicle will be published next to the Review. Published Reviews can be sorted by date, Rating or usefulness.

The number of Reviews and the average Rating concerning a Dealership will also be displayed on the website of the Dealership in question, accessible from the address http://www.citroen.co.uk/find-a-dealer. However, the detail of the Ratings as well as the content of the Reviews will only be able to be consulted on the page of the Site dedicated to the Reviews of the Dealership concerned.

The number of Reviews and the average Rating concerning a Vehicle may also be displayed on other websites of the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group, such as www.citroen-advisor.dk and the associated mobile applications.

The average Rating is accompanied by the total number of Reviews which are combined and calculated as follows:

  • Average from 1 to 1,24 = 1 stars
  • Average from 1,25 to 1,74 = 1.5 stars
  • Average from 1,75 to 2,24 = 2 stars
  • Average from 2,25 to 2,74 = 2.5 stars
  • Average from 2,75 to 3,24 = 3 stars
  • Average from 3,25 to 3,74 = 3.5 stars
  • Average from 3,75 to 4,24 = 4 stars
  • Average from 4,25 to 4,74 = 4.5 stars
  • Average from 4,75 to 5.0 = 5 stars

5.2 – Report abuse

Any person may report, to Citroën Danmark, a Review or a Dealership response which contains abusive content by clicking on the link “Report abuse". Then simply complete the online form, indicating your full name and email and the reason for the request to remove the Review or the Dealership response.

By submitting this form, an alert is automatically sent to the Moderator who shall decide whether to keep or delete the Review or Dealership response concerned. An email explaining the Moderator’s decision will be sent to the person who reported the abuse.

Also, if the content is considered abusive, the Review or the Dealership response, as applicable, will be removed from the Site and an email will be sent to the author of the Review, informing them of the reason for its removal.

5.3 – Duration of publication of Reviews and Archiving

The author of the Review cannot change it once it has been published.

Reviews are posted on the Site for a period of one year, unless specifically requested by the author of the Review to withdraw it from the Site. To do this, an email must be sent to the following address: webmaster@citroen.dk , specifying the date of the Review, or click on the link in the original email received confirming the publication of his review.

However, the Review will remain registered in Citroën Danmark’s database of data in accordance with data protection legislation.


The Dealership has a right of reply to each Review published about them. As such, they can:

  • Provide further details to the author of the Review or give their version of events if they disagree with the content of the published Review;
  • Thank the author for their Review.

The response of the Dealership is subject to human moderation in the same way as the original Review. Therefore, the Dealership response may be rejected by the Moderator for the reasons set out in Article 4.

The moderated Dealership response, consistent with these Terms of Use, is approved to be published with the original Review within 7 calendar days from its submission.

The Dealership responses are posted on the Site during the same period as the Review to which they relate.


You are not permitted to download, copy, modify or use the trade marks, logos and/or trade names displayed on the Site without our prior written consent.

Citroën Danmark and its suppliers own the intellectual property rights in the software that runs the Site. Save to the extent expressly permitted by applicable laws, you must not copy, modify, download, distribute, decipher, de-compile, interfere with or attempt to interfere with that software without our prior written consent.

Please note that Citroën Danmark, created and provides the Site for private and domestic use and for the personal information of customers and Dealerships. You agree not to use the Site for any commercial or business purposes and Citroën Danmark, have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity. No commercial data can be included in any Review without the written, express prior approval of Citroën Danmark.

Many elements of the Site are protected:

  • By legislation, content protected by copyright: this can include photographs, articles, drawings, animated sequences and recordings to digital audio or video format.
  • By trademark legislation: in particular the “Citroën” name, the "double chevron" (representing the Citroën logo), the name “PSA Peugeot Citroën" as well as the brands of all vehicle models.

The elements thus protected are the property of Citroën Danmark, its subsidiaries and/or third parties having authorized Citroën Danmark to use it.

Consequently, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or complete, by any means, in any form and in any medium (paper, digital, or otherwise) of all or part of the Site is prohibited without the prior written permission of Citroën Danmark.


8.1 - Personal data

Please note that our privacy policy also provides further information with regard to how we may use your personal data.

Any data which may be collected via the Site is collected by Citroën Danmark for the processing of Opinions and may be used by the company, its subsidiaries, its commercial network, any company offering a service on behalf of Citroën Danmark and/or any company belonging to the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group, for the purposes of sending commercial offers, surveys and analysis.

As part of its business, Citroën Danmark may need to share the data collected in other countries, one of the purposes for which the data was originally collected or for purposes to which participants subsequently consented. When this data is transferred to a third country, Citroën Danmark takes all necessary measures to prevent any contamination. The data is transferred only to countries where an adequate level of data protection is guaranteed.

You have the right to access and correct information about you and of the right to object to the processing of such information. You can, at any time, request you data to be deleted by sending an email to webmaster@citroen.dk

For further information, please see Citroën’s privacy policy at http://www.citroen.dk/citroen-og-dig/juridisk/persondatapolitik.html.

8.2 – Cookies


Cookies are defined as “small text files placed on your hard drive by the server of the website that you are visiting. It contains pieces of information, in particular:

  • The name of the server which has written it;
  • Most often an identifier in the form of a unique N°;
  • Possibly an expiry date.


The cookies in use on the Site are used in different ways:

  • Anonymous cookies measuring traffic and the use of the online service.Statistical traffic cookies are used to measure a website’s audience (the number of visits, the average time spent by Internet users, the elements that they click on, etc.). The purpose of these cookies is the continuous improvement of the website. Audience measurement cookies are strictly anonymous and in no way allow the identification of the User of the Site or the collection of personal data (for example, name, IP address, etc.)
  • Connection information memorisation cookies.On some of the Citroën Danmark websites you can connect and fill in identification details. These websites use cookies, for example, to remember your account, or your log-ins to a particular service.
  • Third-party cookies (advertising).The majority of Citroën Danmark Internet advertisements are displayed on third-party websites and are put in place by what one may call a third-party (an advertising agency, for example). These third parties use their own cookies to analyse how many people have seen and/or clicked on an advertising banner. These cookies placed by third parties are the result of the cookie policies of the companies who place them and Citroën Danmark has no access to read or create these cookies.
  • Other third-party cookies.Citroën Danmark uses other third-party cookies in order to analyse the User journey on the Citroën Danmark websites and to, for example, suggest a brochure or a test drive request to a User where Citroën Danmark considers it appropriate to do so. These cookies are sent by Citroën Danmark or Citroën Danmark’s technical service providers for the purposes of measuring the audience of the different content and sections of the Citroën Danmark website, in order to assess such content and sections and organise them better. These cookies also allow, where required, browser issues to be detected and therefore improvements in the ergonomics of Citroën Danmark’s services to be carried out. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics and traffic volumes, to the exclusion of any personal information. The cookies are also used to personalise Citroën Danmark’s websites depending on the anonymous data collected from Citroën Danmark’s different websites (Citroën, DS). The lifespan of these audience measurement cookies does not exceed 90 days.
  • Flash Cookies. The site uses Adobe Flash Player for the presentation of a section of Citroën Danmark’s content on http://www.citroen.co.uk/. In order to improve User experience, “local sharedobject” cookies are used to provide Users with certain features. These flash cookies cannot be managed by a User’s web browser but by the Adobe Flash Player software. The Adobe website provides explanations on the cookies used http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/security.


Cookies are inserted onto your computer in a specific folder and depending on the web pages that you visit, they can memorise:

  • The web pages that you have visited recently
  • The products which interest you
  • The information system (language, country, operating system, browser, etc.) in order to optimise the display on your first visit to our websites.

Citroën personalised advertising: The Central Tag service appointed by Citroën Danmark allows Internet users to receive personalised advertising depending on their latest browsing actions: interest shown in a vehicle while browsing the websites published by Citroën Danmark.


The establishment of a hypertext link to the Site requires the prior written permission of Citroën Danmark.If you decide to access any third party websites linked to this website, you do this entirely at your own risk and Citroën Danmark will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

Citroën Danmark cannot be held responsible for the content of websites to which the Site is affiliated with, hyperlinks or any other type of link. It is your responsibility to consult the terms and conditions of such other websites.


You agree, in your use of the Site, not to carry out any operation that is likely to result in the introduction of computer viruses into the Site or Citroën Danmark’s or its third parties’ systems. You also will ensure that you do not undertake any other unreasonable action which is likely to result in IT or any other nature of faults, which could affect the operation of the Site or any server or service accessible through the Site. In particular, you agree to only make available, in the space constituted by the Site, information, data, documents and files which are reliable, inoffensive and not susceptible to affect the operation of the Site or any server or service accessible through the Site.

Consequently, you must not misuse the Site by introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Site, the server on which the Site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Site. You must not attack the Site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence and Citroën Danmark will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and Citroën Danmark will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use the Site will cease immediately.

Your use made of the Site or any server or service accessible through the Site must comply with the national and international laws and regulations currently in force, as well as the rights of third-parties, and must not negatively affect the reputation or brand of Citroën Danmark in any way or form. In particular, you agree to indemnify Citroën Danmark against any third-party action linked to the content of the information made available by you pursuant to the Site, in particular those resulting from an infringement of: any rights, intellectual property rights, public order, common decency, respect for privacy (image rights, etc.) or the penal provisions of current national and/or international rights. In this respect, you agree to indemnify Citroën Danmark against any costs, charges and expenses that would be incurred as a result, including the fees and reasonable expenses of Citroën Danmark’s legal advisors.

Although Citroën Danmark uses reasonable anti-virus measures in respect of its systems and the Site, it does not provide any assurance that the Site will be secure or free from viruses, so you must ensure that you have reasonable anti-virus and security software on your computer systems and other devices which interact with the Site, as Citroën Danmark cannot provide any assurance that the Site will be virus free. Consequently, there is always the risk of data loss and data corruption on your devices and other equipment which you use with the Site. Therefore, Citroën Danmark will not be liable to you for any viruses, or any data which you lose or which is corrupted resulting from the use of the Site. You must therefore have a good daily back up of your software, files and data in place, in case any of your data becomes lost or corrupted, or you are infected by a computer virus.


You accept that the Site is being made available for personal, domestic, consumer use, and not for any of your business purposes. PSA Peugeot Citroën Group will not be held responsible for any damage directly or indirectly caused, such as, damage, loss of data or programs, or financial losses arising from the use of the Site or other websites which are linked to it.

The Site is accessible via the Internet network. In this respect, a reminder is issued that the Internet is an open and informal network, constituted by the interconnection on an international scale of IT networks. The management of the Internet is not subject to any central entity and each portion of this network belongs to an independent public or private body. Its operation is therefore based on the cooperation between the operators of the various networks, with no obligation of supply or of quality of supply between operators. The networks may have unequal transmission capacities and their own policies for use. No-one can guarantee the correct operation of the Internet as a whole. Therefore, Citroën Danmark assumes neither responsibility for, nor a guarantee in the event of poor operation of, the Internet (transmissions delay or any other malfunction).

As Citroën Danmark is not charging for access to the Site, Citroën Danmark is not providing any assurances about the uptime or availability of the Site. Furthermore, you accept that there may be times when there might be outages in the Site’s availability.

You acknowledge that transmission of data using the internet is not guaranteed to be secure, so please bear this in mind when using any of the functionality of the Site.

Citroën Danmark will not be held responsible by you for any losses resulting from damage, infection or corruption caused to your devices, including without limitation, any loss of data or software, or financial losses arising from the use of the Site.

Citroën Danmark is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen, or if at the time the contract was made, both Citroën Danmark and you knew it might happen.

Citroën Danmark is not liable for your business losses. Citroën Danmark only makes available the Site and associated services for personal, domestic, consumer use. Consequently, Citroën Danmark will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

If Citroën Danmark or the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group is found liable for any loss which is not lawfully excluded or limited, then where it is lawful for PSA Peugeot Citroën Group to limit its liability to you, it limits its liability to a total of £10 (ten pounds), to reflect that this Site is being provided on a free of charge basis to you. If you feel that your use of the Site may result in you losing more than this amount, then you must not use this Site.

The PSA Peugeot Citroën Group does not, by way of anything stated in the General terms and conditions of use or otherwise, exclude or limit in any way its liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. Consequently, it does not exclude or limit liability for: death or personal injury caused by its negligence or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or breach of your legal rights in relation to the Site where such losses are not permitted to be excluded or limited at law.


Citroën Danmark is entitled to suspend or stop your access to the whole or part of the Site and its associated services at any time, temporarily or on a permanent basis, if:
  • It is no longer able to provide the Site or associated services; or
  • You fail to comply with the General terms and conditions of use; or
  • It is necessary to undertake any maintenance activities in respect of the Sites or its associated services or infrastructure; or
  • It is necessary to update the Site to reflect changes in relevant laws or regulatory requirements.

Citroën Danmark does not charge for access to the Site. Therefore, Citroën Danmark does not guarantee that the Site, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. Citroën Danmark may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the Site for business and operational reasons. Citroën Danmark will try to give you reasonable notice of any material suspension or withdrawal.


The Site and these Terms of Use are governed Danish law to the exclusion of the rules of conflict of laws.

In case of dispute concerning the interpretation or enforcement of these Terms of Use, the danish courts will have exclusive jurisdiction, unless otherwise provided by mandatory law.


Citroën Danmark, reserves the right to change and update, without notice, these Terms of Use and all the items shown on the Site.

All these changes are binding on you. You should check these Terms of Use whenever you connect to the Site. You accept these Terms of Use in their latest version for each new connection to the Site.